Furniture to be Restored
Small danish armchair, marked „Illums Bolighus" dated January 4th 1945, Classical restoration, 2400,— EUR, price including 19% VAT, plus material.
6 danish chairs by Niels O.Møller, 1800,— EUR, price including restoration and 19% VAT, plus material.
Danish Armchair 1930s-1940s, 2490,— EUR. price including restoration and 19% VAT, plus material.
Crome Armchair, likely from Anton Lorenz, produced by Tectra or Thonet, 1550,— EUR, price including new cushions and 19% VAT, plus material.
Crome Armchair 1950s, likely from Belgium, 1900,—EUR, price including restoration and 19% VAT, plus material. Matching ottoman is available.
Crome Ottoman, 1950s, likely from Belgium, 270,—EUR, price including restoration and 19% VAT plus material. Two unrestored Ottomans are also available.
German Armchair from Knoll Antimot, 1930s-1940s, 1575,—EUR, Preis including restoration and 19% VAT, plus material.
Danish Chair, 1930s-1940s, in originale condition. Sold
Armchair, Denmark, 1930er-1940er. Preis available upon request.
Small armchair from Sweden, design from Otto Schultz, 1910s, 1880,—EUR, preis including restoration and 19% VAT, plus material.
Chair from the Netherlands, 1960s, manufactured from Rispen de Wit, 360,—EUR, price including restoration and 19% VAT, plus material. Altogether are 6 unrestored chairs available.
4 danish Chairs, 1950s-1960s, 1180,—EUR, preis including restoration and 19% VAT, plus material and cord.
Danish wing chair, 1940s, manufactured from Fritz Hansen company, model 1582, 1850,—EUR, price including restoration and 19% VAT, plus material.
4 chairs form Germany, 1930s, 1340,—EUR, preis including restoration and 19% VAT, plus material.